Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept 15 – Oct 15 each year and recognizes, in part, the dates of independence for Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua (Sept 15); Mexico (Sept 16); and Chile (Sept 18).

Jazmin Mendoza Sosa, Lead Student Support Specialist at CIS of Chatham Co., talks about Hispanic Heritage Month.



Throughout Hispanic Heritage Month, Hispanic/Latinx cultures across North Carolina come together to celebrate their unique and beautiful culture. Find some wonderful (virtual) events and restaurants below where you can celebrate or get delicious take-out. You can also read some of the State Library’s Hispanic resources or listen to a classic children’s story narrated in Spanish:

Durham’s Food Guide:

What to eat in Durham during Hispanic Heritage Month

Charlotte’s “Hola Festival” / Oct 9th


State Library of North Carolina

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the State Library of NC has a selection of free online resources in both Spanish and English.

For Your Little Learner

The Spanish Experiment has classic children’s stories translated into Spanish and narrated by a native speaker. Access stories such as “Chicken Little” and “Little Red Riding Hood” here: thespanishexperiment.com/stories