Surrounding students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life
Program Focus
Jobs for North Carolina’s Graduates (JNCG) provides high school students with durable skills essential to the workforce, offers leadership training, facilitates personal connections with employers and post-secondary education and training, and maintains the relationships with students for a year after graduation.
Reentry To Resilience (R2R) serves youth transitioning from Youth Development Centers back into their home communities. R2R assists them enroll in the educational environment right for them, connects them with employers, encourages physical and mental health supports, and works with parents and families.
Our Impact

Communities In Schools of North Carolina helps students meet academic, behavior and attendance goals. We address the needs of the whole child, creating tailor-made programs for those students with the greatest need for support, connecting them with the essential resources they need to show up to school prepared and ready to engage in learning. With CISNC support, young people take their next step into college, careers, and life with confidence.
Communities Inspiring Success

JNCG Jumpstart Jobs Week
Learn About our Mission
Being Present Matters
Learn About our Mission
Back To School with a BASH!
Help us Be Present in the lives of students as Communities In Schools of North Carolina celebrates
2022-2023 Annual Report
Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
R2R Team
CISNC’s R2R program serves youth transitioning from Youth Development Centers (YDC’s ) back into their communities and schools.
NC Impact Conference – 2024
The conference theme this year is “CIS Olympics: Grow Together, Shine Forever”
Help Increase Our Impact
Today’s students will be the leaders of tomorrow who guide our society, the entrepreneurs who transform our economy, the workers who drive our industries, the scientists who craft new technologies and the artists who convey our dreams, hopes and concerns. Support Communities in Schools of North Carolina to make an impact today!