Jarod, a 9th grader, comes from a single-mother household and was referred to CIS because he was having trouble focusing in class and wasn’t completing his schoolwork. Jarod’s Student Support Specialist (SSS) quickly recognized that Jarod was a natural leader. Outgoing, personable and a natural performer, Jarod just needed encouragement and support to channel his energy into his coursework.
Jarod, along with some other students visited the Fayetteville Arts Guild to participate in a poetry and art workshop with a local artist. He was hesitant at first, but once he started writing poetry – he quickly gained confidence in his ability to express himself.
Jarod’s SSS challenged him to research and write a report on a famous African-American and present the report to the class. He knocked it out of the park! His performance was so impressive that Jarod’s fellow students began cheering for him at the end.
In addition to these confidence bolstering activities, Jarod’s SSS checks in with him daily to make sure he is attending or logging into class and keeping up with his schoolwork. Since joining Communities In Schools, Jarod’s attendance and grades have improved tremendously, and he’s showing much more focus and drive in the classroom. With continued support, we know for a fact Jarod will be a leader someday.