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Model Services Template

Abriya was referred to Communities In Schools during her junior year. She was struggling academically because she was not present in class and lacked the motivation to complete assignments.

CIS Student Support Specialist Micheal met Abriya and began working on a success plan to improve her grades and start thinking about post-graduation goals. Despite the challenges she faced, Abriya was always respectful and receptive to the changes suggested by Micheal. She began opening up more and her new outlook was reflected in the classroom. The wall she had built was slowly coming down. Through CIS, Abriya changed the way she engaged in school, improving her grades and interacting more with her peers. 

During her senior year, Abriya attended her first job and college fair. She learned that Nash Community College offered an associate degree in welding, something she already had experience with. This opportunity helped Abriya start envisioning her life after graduation. She talked with her previous welding teacher and decided she wanted to pursue a career in welding.

Abriya is excited for graduation and motivated to achieve her goals. After she walks across the stage in June, she will enroll at Nash Community College, and plans to become a Welding Technician. Communities In Schools provided Abriya with the supports she needed to imagine a positive future and empowered her with the tools she needed to stay in school and succeed in life.

Communities In Schools Model

builds one-on-one relationships with students, wrapping them in supports at school so they attend school regularly, behave appropriately, and complete their coursework. CIS connects students and their families to the community resources they need to succeed and thrive.